tradiment mill malti ghal ingliz min traditur li jahdem ewropa unjoni

Nigi naqa u nqum- I come fall and stand up
Nigi nitmejjel- I come swinging
U hallina minnek- And leave us from you
Abjad karti- White papers
Inqela b`zejtu- He fried in his own oil
Ikragh daghwa b`Alla- Ugly swear with God
Qabdu Hass hazin- Cought bad lettuce
Affarijiet li jigru- things that run
Ghaddejtu passata- You passed him a coat of paint
Kollox ejja ha mmorru- Everything come so we go
Tridx tmur !- You want to go !
Gejja bin-nejk !- She's coming with the screwing
Mela Le ?- So no ?
F`daqqa wahda !- In one punch
Kielni b`ghajnejh- He ate me with his eyes
Kemm inti basla !- How onion you are !
Nadif tazza- Clean glass
Qaxxru l-missieru- He peeled his father
Niexef Ghuda- Lean wood
Mur ghand boxxla xjaten- Go to a compass of devils
Xemx taqli l-ankri- Sun frying the anchors
Dorna dawra madwarna- We went for a round around ourselves
Haditha qattgha bla habel !- She took it a bundle without rope
Kemm inti vaz- What a vase you are

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