
Showing posts with the label romantic poems

The Missing Link

A new day comes, it doesn’t ask. It just walks in, where it left you last. And you never know, when it starts until there's fog inside your heart I'm not alone, Cause then I'd know, I was down because I couldn't find, a friend around To love me like, they used to do used to do Something's missing And I don't know how to fix it Something's missing And I don't know what it is No I don't know what it is Something's different And I don't know what it is No I don't know what it is I'm sick of the shopping malls I searched for joy, but I bought it all It doesn't help the pains and a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate I can't be sure that this state of mind, is it one of my own design I wish there was an over the counter test, for loneliness.

Stones and Flints

You're every line, You’re every word, You’re everything. In this foolish life, and through these foolish times It's has to be you that make me sing. You're a falling star; You’re the getaway car. You're the line in the sand Before I get too far. You're the deep blue sea, on an August day. And you're the perfect thing to say. And you play you're shy, but it's kinda cute. When you smile at me you know exactly what you do. Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true. ’Cause you can see it when I look at you. You're a carousel, ...

Waves of freedom...

Don't know why I'm still afraid If you weren't real I would make you up now I wish that I could follow through Could this be true And deep As the sea On Waves of freedom But right now Everything I want is wrong, And right now All my dreams are waking up, And right now I wish I could follow you On the waves Of freedom, Where no one lives. Remember when we first met And everything is a bet a game You would call; I'd call you back And then I'd leave A text But right now Everything is turning blue, And right now The sun is trying to kill the moon, And right now I wish I could follow you To the shores Of freedom, Where no one lives We're made out of blood and rust Looking for someone to trust Without A fight Could it be that is too soon You're the diamonds and the moon That lights Up my night Eaglet Run away tonight Eaglet, Eaglet, Run away Run away tonight Got no much time to kill Like the pigeons on my window sill We hardly hang around Ever since I've bee...


Ileqqu dawk ghajnejk Mimlija ferh u entuzjazmu Jimlewli il-qalbi Bi xrar li ma nistax infisser Dak il-ferh li kelli jien wkoll Imma illum m’ghadniex Nista immissu Nista nafsu mieghi Dik id-dahka fuq xuftejk Mimlija hena u energija Li minjaf kemm il-darba Tghatni direzzjoni u sahha Li ma naqtax qalbi Wrietni il-genna Ghalkemm dejjem Zammejtna kollox mizmum Gewwa fina Hekk l-istess meta rajtek il-bierah xtaqt nhoss din id deskrizzjoni fizika ghax emozzjonali biss mhux bizzejjed hekk bl-istess mod li ntrabat ma ohtok xtaqtek fi hdani, bhal qabel u ergajt xtaqt nisma il-qalbek thabbat sitta sitta f’rittmu wiehed, armonija wahda, li ghenitna nibnu tant fliemkien dejjem grazzi ghal energija, ferh, hena u entuzjazmu li jirriflettu minn ghajnejk


Qijad nisma l-istorbju, imma il-folla il-boghod Qedin jistennewni Jsejhuli b’ismi Sa anke jsejhuli mat-twerzieq Li tissaporti mhux dejjem possibli Imma xorta b’daqshekk Mhux facli inbiddel il-hsieb Qijed nara il-fjamma, imma ix-xemx il-boghod Il-fjamma tkebbset bil mod Min jaf, forsi illum hu il-jum Folja gdida bajda mux daqsekk il-boghod Xemx int min dejjem kont Mil l-ewwel gurnata Dak li dejjem xtaqt Xemx li tizreg, tahraqli gildi Turi id-dinja dak li vera jien Nista nara id-dinja, min lenti differenti Imma xorta ghama Ma nafx x’ghamilt tajjeb Ma nafx x’ghamilt hazin Qijad nisma melodija, imma il-banda il-boghod Thabbat l-istess rittmu ta qalbi Bid-demm jisfen gol vini Imma nimxi dritt b’rasi il-fuq Ghax dejjem kelli u wrejt rispett Xemx thallinix nizloq minn taht difrejk Issa li difrejk ghadhom minfudin gewwa il-gilda u lahmi U qbadna sew lill-xulxin l-irwol mhuwiex facli, imma ir-rigal prezzjuz hemm wisq x’jinghad, imma il-bieb maghluq l-ankra tixtieq tingibed, imma il-habel mitluf

another sleepless night

Questo e quello che ho sempre voluto dirti ma non ho mai trovato le parole giuste ed e anche perche non volevo spaventarti... TVTB ...Passerroto...ti prego non volare via, mi mancano le ali senza di te...spero che un giorno capirai quello che sei tu per me... 3 perche per me to sei il passato, il presente e il futuro, e sarebbe una fortuna poter invecchiarmi con te... Fino a te ho aperto i miei occhi e vedo fino a te amarti è l'immenso per me anche se in fondo io non ci credo penso che amarti è l'immenso per me cosa cerco non lo so ma so che adesso sei tutto ciò che trovo io fammi camminare lungo gli argini di una certezza calmami le rapide del cuore dammi una partenza per rispondermi di quanta notte c'è per raggiungere te fino a te raggiungerti in ogni senso fino a che amarti è l'immenso per me e anche se qualche volta so di esagerare un po' quando corro la mia vita che più forte non si può anche se la mia testa è un viavai di fantasie troppo perse troppo mie poss...

Was it...

Was it the sun, Or you were the sun, That brightened up my world, When I was lost in darkness... Was it the wind, Or you were the wind that soothed my body, Wrapping your spirit all around me... Was it the stream, Or you were the stream that quenched my thirst, When I was scorched... Was it the tree, Or you were the tree that shaded me, When I needed to hide... Was it an angel, Or you were the angel that touched me with life, When I was dying . . .

I believe in YOU

Through the darkness I can see you're light And you will always shine And I can feel your heart in mine Your face I've memorized I look up to Everything you are In my eyes you do no wrong I'll care for you for more for long And after all is said and done You're still you After all You're still you You walk past me I can feel your pain Time changes everything But one truth always stays the same You're still you After all You're still you I look up to Everything you are In my eyes you do no wrong And I believe in you Although you never asked me to I will remember you And what life put you through And in this cruel and lonely world You're still you After all You're still you