
Showing posts with the label TV

Good Omens: Review- This show made in Heaven is Hellishly good.

In a match made in heaven, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's bestselling novel, "Good Omens," finally makes its screen debut in a six-part series after almost three decades since its publication. Previously adapted for radio in 2014, this highly anticipated TV adaptation promises to captivate audiences with its gloriously silly, funny, and clever story about the impending apocalypse and the epic battle to prevent it. Even if you've never delved into the works of either writer, fear not, as "Good Omens" is a show that anyone can enjoy. The story revolves around an unlikely duo—an angel named Aziraphale, portrayed by the brilliant Michael Sheen, and his demon counterpart, Crowley, brought to life by the charismatic David Tennant. These two immortal beings have been residing on Earth since the days of the Garden of Eden and have, over the centuries, developed a peculiar and friendly relationship through their many encounters. However, their cozy existence is th...

The Sixth Commandment- Review

In a gripping new BBC series, 'The Sixth Commandment,' the story of unconventional love and an intricate web of manipulation is brought to life. This harrowing true-crime drama sheds light on the chilling case of murderer Ben Field and the gas-lighting abuse he inflicted upon his vulnerable neighbors. With insights from the cast and creators, including renowned actors Timothy Spall and Anne Reid, this series takes viewers on a journey through the disturbing realities of this shocking case. Uncovering a Disturbing Love Story: 'The Sixth Commandment' explores the perplexing tale of cherished teacher Peter Farquhar (played by Timothy Spall) and the enigmatic student, Ben Field (played by Éanna Hardwicke). Set against the backdrop of their unlikely encounter, the drama delves into the strange and unsettling criminal events that unfolded. Field, a churchwarden, embarked on a campaign of harassment disguised as love, targeting Farquhar, a devoted Christian four decades his se...

The Secrets She Keeps- Review

Get ready to unravel the juicy secrets of the elite, dear readers! Settle in for a delightful six-part Australian tale that will have you hooked from the very first episode. "The Secrets She Keeps" is a guilty pleasure that combines the glitz and glamour of a wealthy cashmere-clad blogger with the envy-inducing life of a supermarket worker. Prepare for a collision of worlds like no other! Now, picture my wife, bless her soul—she's one of those telly-challenged creatures. Her mind is a nimble detective, always ten steps ahead, dissecting plots with lightning speed. The poor thing walked out of "The Sixth Sense" the moment she sniffed out Bruce Willis's coat wasn't going anywhere. And don't even get me started on "Gone Girl"—she was back home before the washing machine finished its spin cycle. Oh, the woes of an overactive mind! But me? Well, let's just say my brain resembles a bowl of wobbly pudding. I happily basked in the twists and tu...