Since the dawn of time, mankind has been searching...searching for something more. Ever since the first homo-sapiens pushed a mammoth over a cliff; feasted on its widely dispersed remains and decided that it was a pretty good meal; we've been on the road to culinary improvement. Much later a German, let's call him Helmut, fried up a bit of mince, slapped it between two buns and changed the course of history. Helmut didn't realise it at the time, but he had just invented the burger. But mankind wasn't satisfied with the burger. No, man is never satisfied. Since that day we have continued to improve, refine, enhance and augment. We have continued to experiment and explore, to add pickles and fried onions, to push the burger boundaries. As most of my readers know I am fascinated about food but some days I feel like having some less sophisticated stuff and when it comes to burgers(especially if you do have a large appetite) The King Of Homemade hea...
Fundamental starting points. We all do mistakes ... longer we live the longer we stay doing mistakes. One of the mistakes we do is that we expect others not to do any!!
The people we hold dearest to our hearts are the ones who share the most secretive part of life (in a way that's what makes them special too amongst other things) An inevitably ... they share even the mistakes ... and inevitably they expect to not to do any ... but eventually they accept that we do, forgive, learn a little bit more and let's move on!!
yes littering is the word i use when i leave an 'i've been here, i've read, and i've said'