Too often...

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Windu said…
"sometimes it seems that we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts"

Fundamental starting points. We all do mistakes ... longer we live the longer we stay doing mistakes. One of the mistakes we do is that we expect others not to do any!!

The people we hold dearest to our hearts are the ones who share the most secretive part of life (in a way that's what makes them special too amongst other things) An inevitably ... they share even the mistakes ... and inevitably they expect to not to do any ... but eventually they accept that we do, forgive, learn a little bit more and let's move on!!
Windu said…
BTW ... i think i've found a new way to blog ... by littering your blog and other people's blogs.

yes littering is the word i use when i leave an 'i've been here, i've read, and i've said'
CODama said…
Your Idea is nice but I don't agree with you calling it littering, because your comments are like jewels and nobody throws away jewels, in my opinion you should called it graffiti because you are showing the others your opinion and your opinion is colourful and also bright like graffiti
Windu said…
Neither your labelling of 'Hsara tal-gurnata' is correct ... but heq that's what the author chose !!
CODama said…
you've cought me on one foot now, very wise, very wise indeed
CODama said…
what hurts most Windu is that even the persons we hold dearest to our heart not always accept our mistakes!
Windu said…
but life's like that isn't it? sometimes I do it to others, other times I receive a taste of my own medicine

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