
Showing posts from April, 2007

Onvol 've let me down another time...

I'm writing this little blog from work, something which I shouldn't be doing but as happens most of the times whenever it rains even just a little bit I loose my home internet connection and it is easier to push an elephant thru a needle hole then getting hold of their help desk for assistance. Customer service from Melita!!! What service? Any how what I wanted to say is that I really enjoyed last night's performence of beyond the barricade, being the place, the show and most of all the beautiful company and hopefully I will blog about it very soon as soon as I manage to get hold of customer service to fix my problem and bearing as much as possible the stupid answering machine telling me that I have reached melita cable in a anglo maltese posh yet babish, blonde accent. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


Ileqqu dawk ghajnejk Mimlija ferh u entuzjazmu Jimlewli il-qalbi Bi xrar li ma nistax infisser Dak il-ferh li kelli jien wkoll Imma illum m’ghadniex Nista immissu Nista nafsu mieghi Dik id-dahka fuq xuftejk Mimlija hena u energija Li minjaf kemm il-darba Tghatni direzzjoni u sahha Li ma naqtax qalbi Wrietni il-genna Ghalkemm dejjem Zammejtna kollox mizmum Gewwa fina Hekk l-istess meta rajtek il-bierah xtaqt nhoss din id deskrizzjoni fizika ghax emozzjonali biss mhux bizzejjed hekk bl-istess mod li ntrabat ma ohtok xtaqtek fi hdani, bhal qabel u ergajt xtaqt nisma il-qalbek thabbat sitta sitta f’rittmu wiehed, armonija wahda, li ghenitna nibnu tant fliemkien dejjem grazzi ghal energija, ferh, hena u entuzjazmu li jirriflettu minn ghajnejk


Qijad nisma l-istorbju, imma il-folla il-boghod Qedin jistennewni Jsejhuli b’ismi Sa anke jsejhuli mat-twerzieq Li tissaporti mhux dejjem possibli Imma xorta b’daqshekk Mhux facli inbiddel il-hsieb Qijed nara il-fjamma, imma ix-xemx il-boghod Il-fjamma tkebbset bil mod Min jaf, forsi illum hu il-jum Folja gdida bajda mux daqsekk il-boghod Xemx int min dejjem kont Mil l-ewwel gurnata Dak li dejjem xtaqt Xemx li tizreg, tahraqli gildi Turi id-dinja dak li vera jien Nista nara id-dinja, min lenti differenti Imma xorta ghama Ma nafx x’ghamilt tajjeb Ma nafx x’ghamilt hazin Qijad nisma melodija, imma il-banda il-boghod Thabbat l-istess rittmu ta qalbi Bid-demm jisfen gol vini Imma nimxi dritt b’rasi il-fuq Ghax dejjem kelli u wrejt rispett Xemx thallinix nizloq minn taht difrejk Issa li difrejk ghadhom minfudin gewwa il-gilda u lahmi U qbadna sew lill-xulxin l-irwol mhuwiex facli, imma ir-rigal prezzjuz hemm wisq x’jinghad, imma il-bieb maghluq l-ankra tixtieq tingibed, imma il-habel mitluf

beyond the barricade

Counting the hours and minutes till 7.30 pm tommorrow evening. The first show of three at the Manoel Theatre this weekend and I'll be there :)...

good news

Finally after a long time, it looks like some good news it’s on my way this morning. One of the colleagues who I really disliked and kept getting on my nerves from the first time she had to be part of my team and had to bear her childish manners for almost six months now. I disliked her even more when she got a promotion which she never deserved (short skirts!) especially when it was me who gave her the opportunity to train when she was struggling. That is what you get when you are too kind. The good news is that she might be moving to uk for good :0(yahooooo!!!)…I just hope that the news is real not the usual office rumours and I finally get rid of her ugly and stupid know everything attitude…


Bhal llum xaghar idipendejt fuqek u vera hrigtni ta’ ragel. Imnalla kont int ghaliex kienet wahda minn dawk il-granet ili ma kontx naf x’qed naghmel ghall-hafna ragunijiet, DANGJU… tagen u borma :) P.S. I would also like to thank you for the way you made me smile and giglle last night, tenish, when you told me that you are practising for friday night :0... miskin minn ha jpoggi hdejk :)you have an amazing way to bring a smile, on my face and in my heart DANGJU… tagen u borma :)

another sleepless night

Questo e quello che ho sempre voluto dirti ma non ho mai trovato le parole giuste ed e anche perche non volevo spaventarti... TVTB ...Passerroto...ti prego non volare via, mi mancano le ali senza di te...spero che un giorno capirai quello che sei tu per me... 3 perche per me to sei il passato, il presente e il futuro, e sarebbe una fortuna poter invecchiarmi con te... Fino a te ho aperto i miei occhi e vedo fino a te amarti è l'immenso per me anche se in fondo io non ci credo penso che amarti è l'immenso per me cosa cerco non lo so ma so che adesso sei tutto ciò che trovo io fammi camminare lungo gli argini di una certezza calmami le rapide del cuore dammi una partenza per rispondermi di quanta notte c'è per raggiungere te fino a te raggiungerti in ogni senso fino a che amarti è l'immenso per me e anche se qualche volta so di esagerare un po' quando corro la mia vita che più forte non si può anche se la mia testa è un viavai di fantasie troppo perse troppo mie poss...

ta' bla hsieb...

Sometimes one goes thru an uneasy phase and feels like the whole world is against him. Days roll like numbers and to be sincere sometimes I feel like it would be enough that today’s calendars have just months because you wake up in the morning and it's the first and the next morning is the last day, sometimes it feels like we have just a week in a month. Well at the moment I ‘m going thru one of this uneasy phase and it is not a nice situation to feel this way. I don’t like to be much the centre of attention but lately I feel kinda put aside, being it work and even in personal relationships, so in days like these I try to get refuge from the harsh days in our sister island gozo. Funnily enough early evening I received a text message from my friends that they are going to do dinner in gozo so I didn’t even let the mobile’s chime twice and I accepted straight away. I don’t know you but I love to journey between the two islands when it’s dark, the soft breeze on your face, the smell ...


Drive carefully. It’s not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.


Yesterday I discovered how much I'm not good at calculating spaces, how wide my car is and also how narrow the roads in Kappara are No really what it is, is that I am too stubborn and hardheaded! so I deserved it :(


Regretfully I can’t remember the local blog which I came across yesterday afternoon, since reading as much blogs as possible has become a weird obsession of mine in the last months. Well one of these local blogs was promoting the activities, which were being organised at St. James Cavalier which coincided with the celebration of World Book Day. One of the events was for this evening and a quick glance at the mobile made me realize that I was still in time to make it there. At 21.00 they were showing the film Il-Gagga and I have been telling myself to go and watch it since it was launched last march but at that time I was in Gozo, but anyhow to cut the story short I went to watch it and it is not so over-hyped as I thought but I do believe that it deserves to be promoted more and I look forward to buy it on DVD when it will be available from studio seven. This movie shows that the Maltese do have the talent to produce a quality movie worthy of the attention of true movie-lovers. Rather...

Was it...

Was it the sun, Or you were the sun, That brightened up my world, When I was lost in darkness... Was it the wind, Or you were the wind that soothed my body, Wrapping your spirit all around me... Was it the stream, Or you were the stream that quenched my thirst, When I was scorched... Was it the tree, Or you were the tree that shaded me, When I needed to hide... Was it an angel, Or you were the angel that touched me with life, When I was dying . . .

la bella vita


smiles during a storm

There was a little girl who walked to and from school every day. One day, though the weather that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she set out on her daily journey to the primary school. As the afternoon progressed, the winds whipped up, along with thunder and lightning. Her mother was concerned that her daughter would befrightened as she walked home from school and she feared that the thunder storm might harm her child. Following the roar of thunder, lightning, like a flaming sword, was cutting through the sky. Concerned, the mother quickly got into her car and drove along the route to her child's school. As she did so, she saw her little girl walking along, but at each flash of lightning, the child would stop, look up and smile at the sky. Another and another flash of lightning followed and with each flash the little girl would look up at the streak of light and smile. The mother pulled her car up beside the child, and she lowered the window and asked her, "...

The shrub that hold the troubles . . .

The carpenter I hired to fix the apertures in my house had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire had caused him to miss an hour of work, hiselectric saw refrained from cutting in straight lines, and now his old Morris Minor pick-up refused to start. As I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. When we arrived he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked to the front door, he paused briefly by a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwentan amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles; he hugged his twosmall children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed by the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble shrub," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job,but one thing's for sure, they don't belong in the house with my wife and children. So, ...

In Pursuit of Happiness

I used to be sad because I didn't have shoes, until I met a man without legs...


This is one of my favourite local bands, Wintermoods. Wintermoods have been churning out amazing stuff for the last two decades and they are an amazing band. Isn't it weird how sometimes you listen to the same song for hundreds of times and you get cought just by the melody and/ or the superb voice of the singer, in this case Ivan's, but today I was sent the link to their video by my friend Alison and somehow I had to look for the lyrics and it is even more weird when sometimes you just think that the song has just been written especially for you because the words just hit the nail and paint a perfect picture of the phase one might be going thru at that particular time... enjoy... Marigold Goodbye love, it will be a while But I`m delighted Hold my heart, I`ll be back To reunite dear You said I will be all right Heard the sound When your earring touched the ground Take my hand, don’t be sad You`re so fine You`re beautiful Don’t look back, don’t say goodbye Turn around you`re bea...


"Like the sun thru the trees you came and warmed me Like the birds in the tree you flew away"



It is not so easy...

Easy is to get a place in someone's address book. Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart. Easy is to judge the mistakes of others Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes Easy is to talk without thinking Difficult is to refrain the tongue Easy is to hurt someone who loves us. Difficult is to heal the wound.. Easy is to forgive others Difficult is to ask for forgiveness Easy is to set rules. Difficult is to follow them.. Easy is to dream every night. Difficult is to fight for a dream.. Easy is to show victory. Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity.. Easy is to admire a full moon. Difficult to see the other side.. Easy is to stumble. Difficult is to get up.. Easy is to enjoy life every day. Difficult to give its real value.. Easy is to pray every night. Difficult is to find God in small things.. Easy is to promise something to someone. Difficult is to fulfill that promise.. Easy is to say we love. Difficult is to show it every day.. Easy is to criticize others. Dif...

Too often...


Portrait of a Friend

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears, but I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers. I can't change your past with all its heartache and pain, or the future with its untold stories, But I can be there now when you need me to care. I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall. Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; yet I can share in your laughter. Your decisions in life are not mine to make, or to judge; I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask. I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me. I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you. I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, but I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself. I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, but I can cry with you and help you pick up the pie...


Contagiati da Smart, il paese dei balocchi o prabilmente questi che l'hanno grosso!!!E davvero un mondo di matti,

Jamaica's Kinder Sorpresa
