"Lost in Time: The Joys of Growing Up Without Gadgets"
What the new generations have never experienced...
When beaches were free for all, and the only cost was the sand sticking to everything. Fast food wasn’t a thing, and moms would wake up at ungodly hours to whip up baked pasta that could rival any restaurant…
When there were no online reservations, so you had to channel your inner early bird to snag a good spot…
When mobile phones didn’t exist, so plans were made the old-fashioned way, face-to-face the night before. Shockingly, everyone managed to show up on time without a single text reminder…
When Decathlon wasn’t around, and we turned car tire inner tubes into our version of luxury floats...
When sunscreen was unavailable, we hardly had toothpaste, let alone sunblock, and we swam in half-sleeve shirts, pretending they were the latest swimwear fashion...
When the internet was just a sci-fi fantasy, and finding new places meant decoding the mysterious art of word of mouth...
The new generations will never understand that when we had nothing, we had everything. Now that they have everything, they’re too busy scrolling to appreciate it.