
2 quick and very easy marinades, I really love doing because they make the meat tender and nice especially if it is grilled. They go very well with chicken, especially chicken breast.

Ginger and yoghurt
For 500 g of chicken you need
200ml plain yoghurt
1 spoon olive oil, extra virgin is better
2 spoons lemon juice
According to taste
Freshly grated ginger
Freshly grated lemon peel
Pinch of ground peperoncino or chili bits

For 500 g of chicken you need
50ml plain yoghurt
3 spoon olive oil, extra virgin is better
2 spoons lemon juice
According to taste
Fresh crushed cumin
Fresh crushed coriander
Fresh crushed garlic
Fresh crushed paprika
Fresh crushed cinamon
Freshly crushed cloves

In both cases mix all the ingridients together . Flatten the chicken breast with a meat tendiriser or a large spoon. Place the chicken in a plastic container and cover it with the marinades. Leave for at least 8 hours in the refrigirator.

Very nice if served grilled with some fresh salad with vinigrette dressing and potato wedges with sea salt and fresh pepper .

A lovely wine to go with the chicken with ginger and yoghurt is a bottle of chilled delicate Sancerre white wine whereas with the tandori I will go for a chilled bottle of the rose Zinfandel variety. Enjoy after all there’s nothing better then good food and wine!

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