
Monday, 10th March 2008 - 13:49CET Gonzi reacts to Sant's resignation Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in a first reaction to Alfred Sant's resignation, has thanked the MLP leader for the energy he put into the service of the country. Speaking to reporters at PN headquarters, Dr Gonzi said Dr Sant and himself had a relationship of mutual respect, and he regarded Dr Sant as a worthy political adversary. He wished him well. Replying to questions, Dr Gonzi said it was too early for him to comment on the formation of the Cabinet, but the priorities of the new government would be to build on the success achieved over the past few years. An "exciting adventure" lay ahead for Malta, he said. Dr Gonzi made it a point to thank his parents. He said his father had suffered a cold but was now fine. (There had been speculation that he was in hospital).
Monday, 10th March 2008 - 11:23CET Alfred Sant resigns with immediate effect In a press conference , Alfred Sant has submitted his "irrevocable" resignation from MLP leader. Alfred Sant thanked all those who helped throughout the Labour campaign. He said Lawrence Gonzi has a big responsibility, since this is one country and nobody should be discriminated against. When asked his opinion about the electoral defeat, he said that the factor of 'power of incumbency' was present. Sant added that for the time being he will remain a Member of Parliament, until further discussions with the new Labour leader.

Labour Party concedes election defeat...

Monday, 10th March 2008 - 03:28 Labour concedes election defeat The Labour Party has conceded electoral defeat, PN general secretary Joe Saliba said. He said at the counting hall in Naxxar that after all figures were confirmed, the party had contacted him to concede the election. The difference between the parties was of 1,500 votes.

A Victory for PN, a Victory for Malta...

PN WINS jubilation, time to celebrate...

Malta Elections 2008 : Minute by Minute; Things are looking weird...very little difference in votes between major parties...and that means...

Posted 21:37: The PN has won by a relative majority and will be have more seat than the MLP which in fact won a majority of seats. Posted 21:25 : PN win election 2008 by slimmest of margins Joe Saliba announces that the PN won the election by 1,200 votes. Posted 21.12: First count votes 6th District Mlp Charles Mangion 3845 Posted: 21.10: F irst count votes: 8th District MLP John Buttigieg 22 5th District Silvio Izzi Savona 551 4th District Karl Chircop 4371 Posted 20:58: First count votes 5th District AD Patrick Attard 224 AN Anthorny Mercieca 96 MLP Joe Farrugia 821 MLP Farrugia Migneco Ancel 264 6th District Gavin Gulia 290 8th District AD Mario Mallia 75 AD Harry Vassallo 313 Posted 20:55: Roderick Galdes (MLP) obtained 1634 first-count votes on the Sixth Electoral District Posted 20:54: Speaking to journalists, PN deputy leader Tonio Borg urged caution. None of the parties will make an official declaration before the first count ends and the votes are counted. He said this urge

At 15.20 still No indications yet...


there is hope...finger crossed,

but the maltese people are still waiting and in the meantime I have become the unhappy uncle of three sheepish 'lion cubs'

And all the maltese people are...still WAITING!!!

and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... and WAITING... for some news... for the last 14 hours... in the meantime, I’ve run out of fingernails to bite and I ate every chocolate bar in the house and drank gallons of coffee. My neighbour son is giving birth to 'lion cubs'(sheepish ones:)).

The Thinker.... If you think you’re in the frying pan now, don’t head for the fire, for heaven’s sake.

Thanks to Jacques Zammit the following is a poem by Antoine Cassar JUM IR-RIFLESSJONI Għada l-elezzjoni… Jiena, Malti ta’ barra u barrani ta’ ġewwa, wara nofs ħajja f’eżilju bl-addoċċ nissindika mill-bogħod, jirriżulta li għada se nixħet għall-ewwel darba l-vot. Jum ir-riflessjoni… Passiġġata fil-Belt, qassata, ir-rassa tan-nies, paqqa wara paqqa, nieqaf ħa nieħu nifs fejn it-teatru mwaqqa’ biex bilqiegħda il-kummiedja nosserva. Tant tgħallimt u tħawwadt mit-tagħjir u l-għajat bla għadd li ħsiebi rabba s-sura ta’ qrun iċ-ċerva… waqt li f’qorrigħat in-nies nissemma’ bejn il-partiti jissokta t-tpartit ta’ semm is-suppervja. Mur semma’ leħnek f’nofs dil-ħerba, frattarija u ċaqċiq! Għada nivvota nixtieq… Nivvota nixtieq, f’pajjiż fejn l-ilsna klubija ma jaħlux ta’ kuljum ir-riq isewdu t-triq bi mxija li minnha ħadd ma jfiq… Nivvota nixtieq, f’pajjiż fejn il-blu jfisser baħar u sema u xejn iżjed minn baħar u sema, fejn l-aħmar ma jfissirx dmija, fejn fil-kamra ta’ l-imtallgħa darba, darbtej

Harry l-Hafi

thanks to Jacques Zammit

Bee me a buzz...

I meant to write this a bit earlier since I saw this movie late last year but I had the time to watch it again and as the first time I saw it I realized again how much Bee Movie is a clever piece of first-rate entertainment. Though it doesn’t have quite the quality of some of Disney’s Pixar movies, it has plenty of glorious, colorful animation, exhilarating action, and a great story full of fresh, funny characters we haven’t seen before. There is plenty of comedy and action for children and teenagers, and there is also plenty of sharp wit for mature audiences, including parents and grandparents who want to share a day at the movies with their older children and grandchildren or watch it together on the small screen. Bee Movie has several positive messages. Barry’s parents have taught him that, when someone does something for you, you have to thank him. That’s what drives Barry to thank Vanessa for saving his life. Though Barry has a Romantic worldview (he wants to fulfill his personal

Malta voted as the Best Climate in the World by

A quintet of sunny islands makes up the Republic of Malta, with its mild winters and hot summers. Malta, Gozo, and Comino are all inhabited--though with a mere handful of families, Comino only just qualifies. The remaining islands, Cominotto and Filfla, are for boat-trippers and seabirds. These Maltese islands take the top spot in the Climate category of our 2007 Quality of Life Index. As you know, once a year, every January, we consider nearly every nation on earth in a grueling set of nine categories. This year, our survey looks at 193 countries. And Malta has the best climate in the world. Fair weather, averaging 5.2 hours of sunshine a day--even in December. Right into November, daytime temperatures often nudge 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Spring comes early, around late February. Frost and snow are mostly unknown. There is winter rainfall, but it tends to come in heavy bursts for short periods. And, while the islands boast few sandy beaches, there are compensations: Summertime brings a