Don’t Kill Yourself For A Job That Would Replace You Within a Week If You Dropped Dead

 It's essential to grasp this point and let it sink in: don't sacrifice yourself for a job that would replace you without a second thought. 

I recently had a conversation with someone who was terribly ill last week but still forced themselves to work because their manager was short-staffed. That situation is beyond unreasonable.

Here's the cold, hard truth: you are replaceable. It's a fact we often overlook or choose to ignore. Employers might preach about loyalty and dedication, but the moment you slip up, they won't hesitate to show you the door.

No matter how much effort you pour into your work, how many extra miles you go, you're dispensable. One wrong move, a few written warnings, and you're out. Jobs aren't loyal. They'll discard you like yesterday's news if you step out of line.

So, don't exhaust yourself for a job. Remember, they don't truly care. Your colleagues might feel a twinge of sadness, and you might get a polite farewell email, but to the employer, you're just another cog in the machine.


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