Malta Elections 2008 : Minute by Minute; Things are looking weird...very little difference in votes between major parties...and that means...

Posted 21:37: The PN has won by a relative majority and will be have more seat than the MLP which in fact won a majority of seats.

Posted 21:25: PN win election 2008 by slimmest of margins
Joe Saliba announces that the PN won the election by 1,200 votes.

Posted 21.12:

First count votes

6th District
Mlp Charles Mangion 3845

Posted: 21.10:
irst count votes:
8th District
MLP John Buttigieg 22
5th District
Silvio Izzi Savona 551
4th District
Karl Chircop 4371

Posted 20:58:

First count votes

5th District
AD Patrick Attard 224
AN Anthorny Mercieca 96
MLP Joe Farrugia 821
MLP Farrugia Migneco Ancel 264

6th District
Gavin Gulia 290

8th District
AD Mario Mallia 75
AD Harry Vassallo 313

Posted 20:55:

Roderick Galdes (MLP) obtained 1634 first-count votes on the Sixth Electoral District

Posted 20:54: Speaking to journalists, PN deputy leader Tonio Borg urged caution. None of the parties will make an official declaration before the first count ends and the votes are counted. He said this urge for caution was also a sign of responsibilty when the result is so close. In Italy, in Austria, in in Germany there have been close results recently as well, the deputy PN leader said.

Posted 20:03: 6th district: First count vote M'louise Coleiro MLP 5,490 votes

Posted 19:45: MT exit polls for the 10 district seem to have been vindicated with the lead of Robert Arrigo as the most preferred candidate and with the surprise vote for district new comer John Dalli.

Posted 19:41: Labour sources from Naxxar have now said that they are trailing by 750 to 1,000 votes. They say they cannot imagine a recovery with the number of first count votes that have still not been count.

Posted 19:36: First count votes: 4 District Chris Mizzi AD 182, Malcolm Seychell AN 86 6 District: Edward Fenech AD 143 Charles Attard AN 91

Posted 19:32: On the 5 district Marlene Pullicino, Karmenu Vella and Ninu Zammit are leading as MLP candidates. Ninu Zammit is leading for the PN followed by Louis Galea.

Posted 19.29: On 6 district Charles Mangion, Marie Louise Coleiro together with John Dalli ansd Clyde Puli as favourites. Louis Galea does not seem to have garnered enough electoral support.

Posted 19.22: Both parties have decided not to comment until all first count votes are finalised. The situation remains fluid.

Posted 18.45: Latest news: Labour insiders from Naxxar said that they have a clear lead with first count votes.

Posted 18.05: PN secretary general Joe Saliba said that it would take 3 more hours before an election result is known. He called for caution.
Jason Micallef and Michael Falzon told MaltaToday that they would not concede defeat because this was not the case.posted 18,28:
The difference between the two parties stands at 1,000. The MLP has a majority of seats. The difference between the two parties is 0.5% and it appears that none of the parties have attained 50 plus one of the votes

posted 1800:
AD votes for Cassola and Vassallo are estimated to be around 2.5% to 3%

posted 17.52:

posted 17.48: Joe Saliba has just announced that it was not right to say that any party had won the election. He said the result would be clear in 3 hrs time. He asked party supporters not to celebrate in the streets. He said the parties would have to wait until all the first count votes were counted.

posted 1614: Lawrence Gonzi is expected to visit the counting hall at 1700.

posted 1540:
Labour officials told MT that they are waiting the PN to declare victory for them to concede defeat.

posted 1513: PN officials tell MT that it is more like a 1500 VOTE majority. Tension runs high at Naxxar counting hall, PN tells activists to gather at Stamperija.

posted 15.03:

posted 14.52: AN officials tell MT that they are disappointed with their first count votes posted 1450 Mood in the streets has changed with Labour carcades coming to an abrupt end

posted 14.41: In a terse statement to the press Michael Falzon (MLP) said that result is still undecided

posted 14.36:
Initial sampling for AD put the greens at a disappointing 1.5%, with Cassola on the 9 at 3%, Victor Galea on the 13 with 1.8%. No sampling exists for Vassallo on the 10th.

most data from the electronic dailies of Malta

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