
The Secretary

During my lunch break I came across a February’s, TV guide, on the coffee table so I just went thru the pictures as I wasn’t interested what was being transmitted in the air at that time as it was well almost the end of March and you know on TV guides since there are a lot of listings, the editor usually only allows a couple of lines to describe the pick of the day one's eyes tend to fall on what I like to call Le Locandine. The pick of the day on one particular day was the movie ‘The Secretary’. Don’t tell what was it that mostly caught my eyes since there was only a small picture of a very naive girl in her 20's and the lines said that it is a romantic film with a twist between two mentally disturbed people. I don’t know if it was the twist or that the film speaks about disturbed people that tricked my mind but I remember something made me take note of the title to check if it was available from one of the DVD rental houses near where I live. When i gave up managing to find t

Another event worth attending...

Another event worth attending in aid of the children in Albania... Next weekend (11,12, and 13th May 2007) a group of young people will be holding a car wash marathon near the Ta' Xbiex Yacht Marina (Malta). The funds collected will be then used by a group of youths who generously travel to Albania, and work with the Dominican order to run a small (c 300 - 400 children) summer camp. Come on guys and gals spare some of the weekend booze money for the people who are more in need then we are and look flashier on saturday night in your shimmering washed car... If you can't make it send a Lm1 donation on sms no. 50617374

Famous Mothers :) for mother's day

COLUMBUS' MOTHER:"I don't care what you've discovered, you still could have written!" MICHELANGELO'S MOTHER:"Can't you paint on walls like other children?Do you have any idea how hard it is toget that stuff off the ceiling?" NAPOLEON'S MOTHER:"All right, if you aren't hiding your report card inside your jacket, take your hand out of there and show me." ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S MOTHER:"Again with that stupid hat? Can't you just wear a baseball cap like the other kids?" GEORGE WASHINGTON'S MOTHER:"The next time I catch you throwing money across the Potomac River, you can kiss your allowance good-bye!" THOMAS EDISON'S MOTHER:"Of course I'm proud that you invented the electric light bulb. Now turn it off and get to bed!" PAUL REVERE'S MOTHER:"I don't care where you think you have to go, young man, midnight is past your curfew." ALBERT EINSTEIN'S MOTHER:"But it'

Motoring School :))))

I still have to practise on the parkings especially the reverse one :) and I really loved the idea of changing a puncture while travelling, after all it is quite a struggle lifting up the car, isn't it? Don't do this at home!!!lolf (NOT EVEN ON THE STREET) It's amazing these guys at hyundai show what professional stuntment are able to do behind the wheel, on two and on four wheels enjoy...It's a shame that they are not so good in designing a car...

Malta and the Maltese Islands (Spirit of Malta)

If you write malta or the maltese islands in google or other search engine, you get 143,000 results of home pages which are related but most of them especially the official Tourism Site visitmalta is just boring. I came across a very well made site about my country and if you want to see what a jewel of a place we live in I recomend you check it out, especially the virtual tours. the site is if you don't have time for that or like what happened in my case I got spellbound (no not an eurovision song) and spent most of the afternoon checking out this particular site and have other things to do check out this video. Filmed and edited by Alexander Chorny (yes foriegners tend to appreciate more)between 02.05 to 08.05 and edited in just 2 hours (the night before he had to get his plane back home for vacation, and made especially to show Malta to his friends and parents back in Ukraine). It's called Spirit of Malta and it is just amazing both visually and even th

Earth Garden

Nowadays one is really spoilt for choice when it comes to going out, thanks to so many activities, mostly cultural ones happening almost every weekend and I’m very sorry that I will not be able to attend any this weekend, especially the earth garden event which is gonna take place at Ta' Qali National Park this evening and all day tomorrow. I completely forgot about it even if it was very heavily publicized. It is being organized by Exit Promotion and they are experts in organizing out door activities, the most famous being the Tribu’ Festivals which have always attracted tens of thousands of people every year. However it has been two years since they have organized similar activities so I’m sure it will be out of this world. It is an excellent idea that this particular festivals are orginized since they promote environmental issues and a better way to preserve it. Apart from the various activities which are being organized during the day in an Open Village where artists will be ex

Rebels take the road again...for a worthy cause

Regretfully I can't take part to this year charity ride and I'm gonna miss it big time...for the lucky brothers who are able to attend...enjoy it you lucky basta**s :0


The irony behind this viral which in reality it is advertising for a dvd rental site, pushes me to make some reflections. What if it was possible to rent a wife? It would be easy testing out someone for a couple of days and then decide if you keep it for longer days or not. Repetitions annoy so later on would it be easy to get back the original wife? As you read my couple of lines, I can see the ladies all red with anger towards me but what will you think if even you can rent a husband? Isn’t it an interesting idea? Then again I think that this ad was a success because both the male and females of today’s generation nowadays lack the way our earlier parents used to build better relationships based on communication, as much time together and caring for each other and not how much I’m gonna look rich financially in front of society at the price of not knowing and learning to discover the good and the bad of the person whom I’m gonna grow old since both parties will be spending 80


discovering the secrets of the female sexuality...a video that says ... says it all...

At the garage...

A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the engine of a Honda motorcycle when he spotted a well known heart surgeon in his garage. The surgeon was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey Profs can I ask you a question?" The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Profs, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix' them, put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big money, when you and I are doing basically the same work? The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic... Try doing it with the engine running...

After 'Les Miz'

London’s West End alone boasts more than twenty musical which are currently being staged so that makes it impossible physically and financially to lap all of them in one holiday so I looked forward to the 5th visit of the quartet who perform under the name of Beyond the Barricade whom have become famous by singing out fabulous tunes from the most famous musicals. The famous group returned to Malta to perform their shows during last weekend, thanks to Masquerade Theatre Company. I rave over anything that it is staged live as long as it is made from the heart but I have a special soft spot for musicals. There’s fantasy, melodies, escapism, spectacle, and in many cases, characters which I tend to associate myself with, funnily enough even the depressing stuff isn't quite so bad when you hear it so professionally sung. Andy Reiss and David Fawcett rightly lead the team of four since Beyond the Barricade is their baby, inspired by the performances they were doing together in the rec

guess who's back! the pic is for the directors and not for staff

I’m back after having to wait at least 4days to have the service back since yesterday was a public holiday...I managed to get hold of customer service on sunday morning and to be sincere I was very sorry for the poor guy who answered me. I am very sorry sir this poor guy said but on sundays and holidays we work on skeleton stuff of two technicians only. The service is a complete disaster and this is not the first time that this company has let me down big time. Only two technicians when this stupid company claims that they have topped the 100,000 tv customer and 30,000 internet client. We need choice...