Dear Younger Me,

Dear Younger Me,

It’s strange to think of writing to you, knowing how far we’ve come since those days. I hope you’re sitting under the big tree in the backyard as you read this, or maybe curled up on the bed with your favorite stuffed animal. I know how much comfort those little things bring you. Hold onto them; they’re more important than you realize right now.

I want to tell you that it’s okay to feel the way you do—whether it’s the excitement that makes you bounce on your toes when something new sparks your imagination or the quiet sadness that creeps in when the world feels a bit too big. Those feelings shape you, even when they feel like they might swallow you whole.

Life isn’t always going to turn out the way you picture it during those long afternoons daydreaming. There will be moments that surprise you, knock the wind out of you, and fill you with awe. There will also be moments that disappoint you, and that’s okay. You’ll learn that it’s all part of the journey.

Remember the time you built castles out of sand and imagined them alive with knights and queens? That creativity is a gift. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Even when the world feels like it’s asking you to be serious, to put away the crayons and dreams, keep a piece of that magic tucked away in your heart.

You worry sometimes about being enough—good enough, smart enough, strong enough. But here’s a secret: you already are. All those quirks and wonders you sometimes wish you could hide? They’re what make you shine. You’ll find people who see that light in you, and they’ll love you for it.

If I could give you one piece of advice, it’s this: be kind to yourself. You can be so hard on that little heart of yours, always thinking you need to do more or be better. I promise you’re doing just fine.

And don’t rush. There’s so much ahead, but there’s also so much to love about where you are right now. The smell of fresh rain on the pavement, the sound of your laughter as you run barefoot through the grass, the way the world feels so full of possibility.

You’re going to be okay. Actually, you’re going to be more than okay. You’ll grow, stumble, and get back up again, and with each step, you’ll come closer to the person I’m so proud to call me.

With all the love in the world,
Your Future Self


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