A Chest of Prestigious Chocolates...

One can easily recognise at least 5 Ferrari car keys, 2 Lamborghinis and a Bentley’s. Was it you who just removed these keys off your pocket on your way inside the home? Or is it the contents of your new girlfriend’s handbag that her father is running out of space in his garage so he decided to give her the cars? Or it could also be the showroom you have always dreamed of owning, the choice is all yours. As for me if you look a little closer you might notice that there is a bicycle antitheft lock which I might have left there by mistake...
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Anonymous said…
Are those for sale cause if they are Ill buy all of them!!!:)
CODama said…
the bycycle anti theft lock is mine, what offer?:)
Anonymous said…
here's an idea. go to the top of a building where u have all of the cars parked outside it. leave the keys inside each one's ignition. and each car has a sign in the window closest to the street that says "take it! it's yours!" tell me where the building is first.
CODama said…
I only have the bicycle keys is that ok for you?

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