
Showing posts from October, 2024

Brassic: The Beautiful Chaos of Northern Life

 Brassic, right, is the kind of series that punches you in the gut, then buys you a pint. It’s a glorious, foul-mouthed, chaotic mess that somehow manages to be both utterly bonkers and deeply heartfelt at the same time. Imagine a drunken romp through the north with a band of lovable idiots, only every now and then, it smacks you over the head with a profound insight about life, friendship, and mental health. At its core, Brassic is a love letter to the working-class hero, the kind of bloke who lives for the next daft scheme but has a heart as big as his overdraft. You’ve got Vinnie, played by Joe Gilgun, who’s like the unhinged cousin of every lad you’ve ever met down the pub, but with the weight of the world on his shoulders. One minute he’s stealing a Shetland pony, the next he’s having an existential crisis. And it’s bloody brilliant because that’s how life is, isn’t it? One big rollercoaster of bad decisions, hilarious consequences, and then a quiet moment where you suddenly reali

Joker 2: A Trainwreck of Musical Madness That Even Lady Gaga Couldn't Salvage

 Right, let’s get this straight from the top: Joker 2 is an absolute car crash of a movie, and I’m not talking about the exhilarating, rubber-burning kind that leaves you on the edge of your seat. No, this is the kind of crash where you’re left wondering how it’s even possible that everyone involved thought it was a good idea. And not even Lady Gaga’s megawatt star power can save it from the flaming wreckage. In fact, she’s more like the poor sap who’s left holding the steering wheel as the whole thing spirals out of control. Now, back in 2019—when the world hadn’t yet started its steep descent into apocalyptic chaos—Joker was a bona fide sensation. Whether you loved it or hated it (I personally thought it was bloody brilliant), you couldn’t deny its impact. Joaquin Phoenix nailed it as the mentally ill clown with a penchant for stand-up comedy and, well, murder. It raked in awards, made a billion at the box office, and had all the intellectuals clutching their pearls over whether it w