Father's Day...

There's an English proverb that goes: "One father is worth more than a hundred schoolmasters."

Fathers can teach their children many important lessons. Father's Day is Sunday, June 15, and it brings to mind some of the valuable lessons I learned from my father,

TRUST is the most important five-letter word in business and in life. When I was only eight years old, he said: "Son, would you like to learn a lesson that might save your life some day?"
"Sure I would, Dad," I answered.
"Just slide down the banister and I'll catch you," he urged.
I slid ... and landed on the carpet. As I dusted myself off, he announced, "Never trust anyone completely. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you."

My father also taught me that the big name on the door doesn't mean a thing. You have to know who the decision makers are.

After a motor bike accident that landed me in bed for 30 days, he told me, "You can take any amount of pain as long as you know it's going to end."

My father taught me many more life lessons, among them:
• They don't pay off on effort . . . they pay off on results.
• No one ever choked to death swallowing his pride.
• He who burns his bridges better be a damn good swimmer.
• Education is like exercise. As soon as you quit you begin to lose the benefits.
• It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're dressed like a turkey.
• If you win say little. If you lose say less.
• We are judged by what we finish, not by what we start.

Moral: One person can make all the difference in the world—a father, for example.
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Antoine Cassar said…
Għoġobni wisq dak ir-ritratt tal-ġuf.
CODama said…
Grazzi Antoine tal-kumment, ritratt li jfisser hafna ghalija, kulhadd minn hemm gej, kulhadd min hemm beda, hemm id-dlam hemm it-tbatija hemm ansjeta ta mara zaghzugha li minghajr dan kollu ma jkunx hemm it-twellid,imma qeda wkoll f pozzizjoni nista nghid ardita mhux fis sens provokanti imma fis sens ta nuqas ta prudenza ghax thossa superjuri ghax taf li minghajra ma jsehhx twelid u ghanda certezza li jekk kollox immur sew wara dik it tbatija kollha tat is sehem taghha fic ciklu tal-hajja u ha tgawdi min dan ir-rigal...skuzani li dhalt f'daqshekk dettal, imma kif ghidt dak ir-ritratt ghal qalbi hafna

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