ET made contact with home...

Guess who’s back?,

Well guys and gals ‘s been long since I have scribbled some hsara tal-gurnata, and as you can see that not only my main blog was left unattended but even my other niche blogs. A lot has been going on and since I was away from our little island(in coming soon), I had to master a new job, having my mind working overtime to design and finish my house (a new blog is in the pipeline for that called ho2ho which does not stand for what you’re thinking but it’s from a house to home) and having a hopeless internet connection, the first thing to suffer had to be the blogs. But now I’m back fully fledged and ready to share most of it :).

I have to thank Sandro Vella for nominating my blogs and for being one of the few who promotes the Maltese Blogs…THANK YOU SANDRO
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